0117 387 8972 info@lmcukservices.co.uk 14A High Street, Staple Hill, Bristol, BS16 5HP Log In

Greener Practice Day

Engineers' House Clifton Down, Bristol, United Kingdom

This course will include Intro to the day and to Greener Practice & Sustainable Healthcare Lifestyle Medicine Integrative medicine + Nature Connection Nature-based Mindfulness / Meditation session Greener Respiratory Care Foraging Walk Reflection, Roundup & Close  


GP Update

Engineers' House Clifton Down, Bristol, United Kingdom

Topics to be confirmed



Engineers' House Clifton Down, Bristol, United Kingdom

This course may include Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms - benign prostate enlargement, overactive bladder & nocturia Recurrent UTI Haematuria ED / Peyronies


Infant Feeding Update

Engineers' House Clifton Down, Bristol, United Kingdom

Topics to include   Infant feeding in Bristol Orientation to infant feeding services in Bristol and local feeding data   Breastfeeding Basics Benefits of human milk Physiology of lactation and how hormones influence mothering behaviours Supporting successful breastfeeding   WHO Code for marketing of breastmilk substitutes Working within the CODE   Responsive bottle feeding Responsive […]



Engineers' House Clifton Down, Bristol, United Kingdom

This course will include GORD Lower GI (IBS/colorectal cancer) Hepatology/LFTs Acute GI problems (haematemesis/Acute abdo/severe colitis)  



Engineers' House Clifton Down, Bristol, United Kingdom

Topics to be confirmed


Wellbeing Workshop

Engineers' House Clifton Down, Bristol, United Kingdom

WHAT WILL YOU GET FROM THE WORKSHOPS?   You will understand how Overwhelm appears in your life, and your Triggers You will also understand what's stopping you achieve the goals you would like to achieve Through discussion and group work you will be able to define and recognise Overwhelm and the factors holding you back […]



Engineers' House Clifton Down, Bristol, United Kingdom

This course will include the following.   Management of disease of the peripheral nerves in GP practice and usefulness of nerve conduction studies. Functional Neurological Disorder Stroke Movement disorders / PD Tremor and other causes of Parkinsonism Assessment, initial management and referral pathways



Engineers' House Clifton Down, Bristol, United Kingdom

This course includes the following. COPD – what I need to know in 2023 Asthma overview (how do I interpret FeNO? Should I be using ICS/LABAs earlier? When should I refer) Targeted Lung Health Check ILD Palliative care in respiratory medicine Advice and guidance Chronic cough Normal CXR and breathlessness Healthier together at Home/Virtual ward […]


Women’s Health

Engineers' House Clifton Down, Bristol, United Kingdom

The day will include the following.   rUTis - Rachel Skews Urology SNP HRT and Menopause - Sharon Hartmann Specialist Nurse: contraception, menopause and sexual health &  Dr Harriet Delap Pelvic Health - Rosie Cardale Founder of Mae Physiotherapy
